Wednesday, August 4, 2010


It's been about a month since I went to Pattycake Vegan Bakery. The trip to Columbus, Ohio in itself was great but the stop at Pattycake made it better. I had already heard about Pattycake and checked out their website. It's pretty amazing to walk inside and see a place filled with tasty looking treats and knowing that it's all vegan. I really had a hard time choosing only a few things to try so I picked out a bunch. I went with a lemon cupcake, pumpkin spice whoopie pie, ho-ho cupcake, cheescake and chocolate caramel mousse cake. I did not eat all of these at once, it was spread out over a few days. I do have a sweet tooth but couldn't possibly handle it all. I wasn't disappointed with anything and the staff was quite friendly. If you are in or near Columbus check them out.

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