Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Revised Mozzarella Teese

It seems that the amazing vegan company Chicago SoyDairy is always hard at work with their products. I was lucky enough to receive a sneak preview of a revised recipe Mozzarella Teese to test. It is supposed to have a better taste and texture than the already good Teese Mozzarella style. Grilled cheese and pizza were the obvious testers for it. The results were pretty impressive and it did live up to the better taste and texture expectations. The Teese melted great and had a smooth creamy texture without any strange aftertaste.

Grilled Teese on Cranberry Walnut. Oh Yeah! This was the only bread I had on hand to use and I'm glad I did.

BBQ Spinach, Mushroom and Mozzarelle style Teese Pizza. Yum! Don't be afraid. Next time around I would definitely crank the oven up to 500-550. This was the suggested temperature for use of the Teese on pizza. I will admit that I was afraid to bake it at that temperature, my mistake!

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